New CD
"Song of Songs by Psoy Korolenko"
(Bad Taste 2002)

Steve Razin. 01
To Cyrill Vaninsky 02
Tombe La Neige. 03
To the Sonkins. 04
Serenade. 05
Picking up mushrooms. 06
Her Nor Du Fayn Kotitshke. 07
Mother Winter. 08
The Bed. 09
Murka. 10
11. White Bim Black Ear
12. We Shall Overcome
13. Pizza
14. The Plot
15. Jingle Bells Ring
16. The Sun of the Communism
17. Sad Little Song
18. Burattino
19. Va Mon Ami Va
20. The Chtonic


Psoy Korolenko`s CD «Song of Songs by Psoy Korolenko» is available at internet-store "". Also, you can buy it in O.G.I. Club (Moscow).

  • Psoy Korolenko`s CD «FIORETTI» (Bad Taste, 2001) is available at Moscow music stores "Transilvania" and "ZigZagRock" gallery near Arbatskaya Metro station.

  • In the US it can be obtained at the music internet-store.

Texts of the songs

  • You can buy CD «SONG ABOUT GOD» (2000) in Moscow music stores "Transilvania" and "ZigZagRock" gallery near Arbatskaya Metro station.
  • In the US you can order CD at the music internet-store.
